Team event 2024: team spirit on the water


This year’s team event began with the Munich team traveling to Berlin together. The ICE not only offered a fast and comfortable connection, but also the first opportunity to exchange ideas and share the anticipation of the days ahead. The arrival in Berlin was characterized by a mixture of excitement and curiosity, as three eventful days lay ahead.

Workshops and group work: Discover new perspectives

The program started with a series of workshops and group work. It was particularly exciting that the teams were put together in such a way that colleagues who hardly have any points of contact in their day-to-day work also worked together intensively. These constellations opened up new perspectives and fostered a deeper understanding of the different tasks and challenges. For our company, with locations in Munich and Berlin and a high proportion of remote work, the direct personal exchange is invaluable. The joint workshops enabled us to exchange ideas, solve problems together and strengthen team spirit. Once again, it became clear how important personal encounters are for successful collaboration.

Rowing at Wannsee: On the road to success together

The next day, the highlight of our team event was on the agenda: rowing together on the Wannsee. Even the preparation for this event offered parallels to everyday working life. Choosing the right boat and the right sculls (pairs of oars) as well as launching the boat together required good preparation and clear agreements within the team. During the rowing itself, it became clear how important synchronization and cooperation are – just like in everyday office life. Each individual rowing stroke had to be perfectly coordinated with the others in order to move the boat forward efficiently. The cox played a crucial role in this by giving precise and clear instructions that coordinated the team. Only together could we achieve our goal and overcome the challenges we faced on the water.

Overcoming challenges: together through thick and thin

Our rowing experience was further complicated by local thunderstorms and heavy rain showers. But despite the unstable weather, which not only gave us water under our keels but also from above, we stuck together and overcame the challenges. This experience made it clear how important it is to stick together and support each other even in stormy times.

Away from rowing: More than just water

Away from rowing, chess, darts and volleyball were played, which provided additional variety and team fun. The Wannsee and cool drinks provided refreshment. The evening ended with a barbecue, which rounded off the day perfectly.

Conclusion: An event with a lasting effect

Our team event in Berlin was more than just a break from everyday working life. It was an opportunity to strengthen team spirit, make new connections and gain new experiences together. The intensive workshops and rowing together showed that we can overcome any challenge as a team – whether in the office or on the water. The memories and experiences we gained during these three days will stay with us for a long time and support us in our daily work together. We are proud of what we have achieved together and are already looking forward to the next team event, where we can show our strength once again: Together we are strong!

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