More than the sum of the individual components.

Maximize the value of your flexibility with a combined trading concept that includes all relevant flexibility markets and reacts algorithmically to price signals. Entelios’ CROSS-MARKET OPTIMISATION enables you to achieve more lucrative returns than would be possible with the individual flexibility trading models.

The monetization of electricity-side flexibility on the short-term markets offers both large industrial plants and operators of electrical heat generators or battery storage systems the opportunity to optimize electricity procurement and generate interesting additional revenue.

This trading of flexibility in the electricity grid will become even more lucrative if all available markets can be served holistically:

  • Control power markets of the transmission system operators
  • Short-term trading on the European power exchange EPEX SPOT
Logo Entelios Cross-Market-Optimisation

The technical requirements and possibilities of the individual market segments for flexible systems differ considerably in some cases. And there is no single optimum from an economic point of view either.

Entelios offers the opportunity to market flexibility on all available trading venues in combination and thus follow the dynamic developments. In this way, both the technical and operational requirements can be taken into account and the best economic result can be achieved. The flexibilities reported as available are continuously optimized algorithmically on the basis of defined parameters and short-term price signals.

Cross-Market optimised trading of flexibility (Entelios’ CROSS-MARKET OPTIMISATION) can generate additional revenue of over 50% compared to single-market optimization.

In addition to its economic attractiveness, the Cross-Market approach also increases resilience to market changes. If the regulations change in one market segment or the price level falls, trading can be shifted to other market segments.


Project Example Industrial Companies

Flexible operation of large-scale heat pumps and other power-to-heat systems, for example, will enable industrial companies to significantly optimize their electricity costs.
If an electrode boiler is used, for example, process heat can be generated cost-effectively and used as required. This is particularly the case in times of cheap electricity due to an oversupply of renewable energies or technical fluctuations in the transmission grid. If the company itself operates systems for generating renewable energies, surplus electricity can also be stored temporarily and thus used efficiently.

(German version only)

Project Example Energy Suppliers

Flexible operation of CHP & power-to-heat systems, for example, enables energy suppliers to significantly optimize their heat generation costs.

By combining a CHP unit with an electrode boiler, local and district heating can be generated cost-effectively during periods of cheap electricity or when there is an oversupply due to high renewable energy production, and used as needed.

(German version only)

Reference picture infraserv

Reference picture TWL

Therefore FLEXIBILITY, therefore ENTELIOS

An advancing energy transition, changing framework conditions for the availability of fossil fuels and an increasing demand for electricity in various areas of life are becoming a challenge for the electrical infrastructure. In order to be able to react to short-term fluctuations in supply or demand, available flexibility is becoming increasingly important for security of supply in the electricity grid.

As the proportion of non-controllable electricity generation increases, flexible systems are increasingly coming into focus. Flexible electricity and heat generators, consumers and storage systems can contribute to balancing by, for example, increasing the self-consumption of local electricity generation plants or helping to reduce peak loads by throttling consumption.

However, flexible producers, consumers and storage systems can also help to make our entire energy system more efficient. Flexibility can compensate for increasing volatility and stabilize the electricity grid both through the provision of control reserves and through short-term trading on EPEX SPOT.

Existing systems can often be used to provide CO₂-free flexibility. The operators of these plants not only help to integrate renewable energies, make the energy transition more efficient and increase security of supply. The flexibility gained can reduce energy costs and generate attractive additional revenue.

Do you want to optimize flexibility?
Talk to us!

Clarissa Iron Entelios
Clarissa Irion
Head of Sales & Business Development
Lorenz Brellochs Entelios
Lorenz Brellochs
Senior Manager Business Development
Yaroslav Lysytsia Entelios
Yaroslav Lysytsia
Manager Business Development

    Talk to us!