Entelios is active in these areas

From the initial idea to long-term profitable flexibility trading.

As a former pioneer in industrial load flexibility (demand response), we are now the leading provider of comprehensive flexibility trading on all relevant short-term markets. We enable the ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRY, UTILITIES and CLEAN-TECH INVESTORS to participate in ALGORITHMIC INTRADAY TRADING and the CONTROL RESERVE MARKETS, making them a driving force in the transition to a sustainable future.


Reduce energy costs for industrial plants

Produce more cost effective and support stability in the electricity grid

Optimise your energy costs through load shifting or load adjustment (increase or reduction) in production and benefit from the provision of system services.

For our long-standing customers, reducing or increasing the production process at short notice and in a controlled manner has long been a profitable side business. This way, they can reduce the load on the electricity grid, generate attractive additional revenue and thus optimise their energy costs. There are processes and systems which can change their operating point rather reluctantly and rarely. Even these can participate and contribute by providing control reserve power capacity and receive extremely attractive remuneration for this.

Industrial processes with high and predictable electricity consumption are particularly suitable, for example:


Covestro AG

Covestro is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-tech polymer materials for many important industries.
Industry sector: Chemicals

Kabel Premium Pulp & Paper GmbH

Kabel stands for premium pulp and paper and produces high-quality graphic papers, packaging papers and letterpress papers.
Industry sector: Paper

Verallia Germany AG

Verallia is an expert in the design, manufacture and recycling of glass packaging and offers healthy, aesthetic and sustainable solutions for more than 10,000 companies worldwide.
Industry sector: Glass (hollow glass)


Cross-Market Optimisation in the power-to-heat sector

Flexible operation of power-to-heat systems enables industrial companies to significantly optimize their electricity costs. If an electrode boiler is used, for example, process heat can be generated cost-effectively during periods of cheap electricity or when there is an oversupply in the electricity grid and then used when required. If the company itself operates a system for generating renewable energy, surplus electricity can be stored temporarily or fed into the local power grid at a profit.

(German version only)


Generating additional revenues for utilities

Actively using future topics: Electrification of heat generation & large-scale battery storage

Use the flexibility of your existing or future electricity-flexible systems for integrated optimization on the control reserve and spot markets. They thus increase their economic efficiency and at the same time support the integration of renewable energies.

In the course of the further decarbonization of our energy system, the increasing electrification of local and district heating generation will be one of the key developments. In addition to biomass cogeneration plants and CHP units, large-scale heat pumps and electrode boilers will be used in the future. These so-called power-to-heat technologies can be used flexibly – especially in combination with gas, hydrogen or biomass-based heat generation – and offer great potential for optimization in an increasingly volatile and short-term electricity market.

The development of large-scale battery storage systems has also been a recognizable and growing trend for utilities for some time. The already high value of flexibility in the electricity market will increase as renewable energies are expanded. This trend is being reinforced by a continuous decline in the proportion of controllable conventional power plants. Battery storage systems are something like the Swiss army knife of the electricity industry: they can and must therefore be used and optimised across all short-term markets.

With Entelios Cross-Market Optimisation, you can leverage your flexibility with the most advanced system on the market. This increases the profitability of your flexibility project and reduces your dependency on individual market developments.

The following systems are particularly suitable for flexibility trading:

References in the utility sector

Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG

Infraserv Höchst operates the 460-hectare Industriepark Höchst, a site for around 90 companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical and many other sectors.
Industry sector: Site operator Industrial park

Technische Werke Ludwigshafen am Rhein AG

TWL has been reliably supplying private households, industry, commerce and agriculture with electricity, natural gas, heating, cooling and drinking water for over 100 years.
Industry sector: Utility

Stadtwerke Amberg Versorgungs GmbH

Stadtwerke Amberg supplies households and businesses in the city and region with electricity, gas, water and heat. Bathrooms and parking garages are also part of their field of activity.
Industry sector: Utility


Cross-market optimisation in local and district heating generation

Flexible operation of CHP & power-to-heat systems, for example, enables utilities to significantly optimize their heat generation costs. If, for example, a CHP unit is used in conjunction with an electrode boiler, local and district heating can be generated cost-effectively and used as required in times of cheap electricity or when there is an oversupply due to a high level of renewable energy generation.

(German version only)


Increase revenues for battery storage

Maximum profitability & resilience in the flexibility trading and management of your battery storage systems while retaining warranty conditions

Invest your capital in sustainable technologies and support the efficient integration of renewable energies! We help you to market your systems on the European flexibility markets and thus maximize the profitability of your battery storage systems.

The development of large-scale battery storage projects is a trend that has been apparent for some time and is increasing significantly. The already high value of flexibility in the electricity market will increase as renewable energies are expanded. This trend is being reinforced by a continuous decline in the proportion of controllable conventional power plants.

We support you at an early stage in the process of developing your battery project: from the design and implementation to the flexibility trading and management of your systems in the electricity market.


Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbH

With ten hydropower plants in the Allgäu region, AÜW generates around 80 million kilowatt hours of energy every year.
Sector: Clean-tech investor

Vereinigte Wertacher-Elektrizitätswerke GmbH

As a municipal energy company, VWEW-energie offers electricity and heat, some of which is produced regionally in the Allgäu (7 hydroelectric power plants, 3 diesel power plants).
Sector: Clean-tech investor

ju:niz Energy GmbH (former Smart Power GmbH)

ju:niz Energy develops, plans and builds intelligent large-scale storage systems that are operated in a grid-friendly and economical manner.
Industry sector: EPC for battery storage

Do you want to optimize flexibility?
Talk to us!

Clarissa Iron Entelios
Clarissa Irion
Head of Sales & Business Development
Lorenz Brellochs Entelios
Lorenz Brellochs
Senior Manager Business Development
Yaroslav Lysytsia Entelios
Yaroslav Lysytsia
Manager Business Development

    Talk to us!