We are your partner for the realisation of your flexibility trading – in short-term trading on EPEX Spot & on the control reserve markets.

Energy costs

Additional revenue for energy suppliers

Maximum profitability for battery storage systems

Reduction of the

Are your energy costs too high?

Support grid stability or produce when electricity is cheap

Optimise your energy costs through flexibility, for example by means of load shifting or other forms of load adjustment in production, and at the same time contribute to security of supply.

CO2-free heat generation is too expensive?

Generate CO2-free heat cost-effectively

Use the electrification of your local and district heating generation as an additional source of revenue.

Would you like to optimise your returns?

Maximum profitability of your battery storage

Get the most out of your clean-tech investment and increase your contribution to the energy transition at the same time.

From potential analysis to individual flexibility trading


Icon Potenzialanalyse


Icon individuelle Vermarktungsstrategie


Icon kontinuierliche Flexibilitätsvermarktung

Always achieve the maximum return with our flexibility trading!

Is my system fit for flexibility?

Not all systems that can change their operating point and therefore are fundamentally flexible in their electricity consumption. In general, a distinction can be made between reactive and non-reactive systems when providing flexibility. While reactive systems (also known colloquially as provider systems) can easily and frequently change their operating point due to their cost structure and technical and process-related suitability, non-reactive systems (also known as avoider systems) find this much more difficult. With regard to the provision of flexibility, however, both types of system have a role to play in providing flexibility, and can be used according to their characteristics and strengths.

Find out whether your systems are suitable and for which application!

reactive systems

Systems that can change their operating point regularly and without major technical and process-related dependencies.

Typical application

Electricity price-optimised operation, for example through load shifting or load adjustment; optimisation through arbitrage trading.

Common system types

Power plants, electrode boilers, battery storage, various electrolysis systems, etc.

Main remuneration components*:
  • Focus: Remuneration for delivered energy [€/MWh], depending on the individual marginal cost situation.
  • Opportunistic: Remuneration for providing capacity reserve [€/MW], depending on the flexibility market and product in combination with the individual trading concept.


* May vary in individual cases/project-specific

Non-reactive systems

Systems that cannot change their operating point as often as required and without further dependencies.

Typical application:

Provision of insurance-type flexibility for unforeseen events in the electricity system, for example short-term frequency deviations due to technical incidents or forecast deviations in the generation of renewable energies.

Common system types:

Industrial loads in production processes with upstream and downstream dependencies, emergency power systems, etc.

Main remuneration components*:
  • Focus: Remuneration for providing capacity reserve [€/MW], depending on the flexibility market and product in combination with the individual trading concept.
  • Opportunistic: Remuneration for delivered energy [€/MWh], depending on the individual marginal cost situation.


* May vary in individual cases/project-specific

This is Entelios

As the former pioneer in industrial load flexibility (demand response), we are now the leading provider of comprehensive flexibility trading across all relevant short-term markets.

We enable energy-intensive industry, utilities and clean-tech investors to participate in algorithmic intraday trading and the control reserve markets, making them a driving force in the transition to a sustainable future.

Entelio's demand response since 2010

With our proprietary technology and our energy related services, we ensure that you too can provide flexibility and use it profitably. This allows you to optimise your energy costs and refinance your investment safely and with maximum efficiency.

Find out more about Entelios…

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News at Entelios

Flexibility marketing on the EPEX continuous intraday market

The energy transition and the increasing share of renewable energies pose new challenges for the European electricity system. Flexibility marketing in the continuous intraday market (IDc) of the European Power Exchange (EPEX) plays a key role in overcoming these challenges. Since 2013, Entelios AG has been the second company in total to be technically connected directly to EPEX Spot. Since then, continuous intraday trading has been part of everyday business and is an important part of Entelios’ cross-market-optimized flexibility marketing. The direct technical connection enables a reaction to the market in fractions of a second. Flexibility marketing: a central element…

Do you want to optimize flexibility?
Talk to us!

Clarissa Iron Entelios
Clarissa Irion
Head of Sales & Business Development
Lorenz Brellochs Entelios
Lorenz Brellochs
Senior Manager Business Development
Yaroslav Lysytsia Entelios
Yaroslav Lysytsia
Manager Business Development

    Talk to us!